East Oldham is a friendly church with a heart for mission to children and families in the communities around the church. Our mission is 'to know Jesus and make Jesus known'.
We meet for worship at 10.45am each Sunday and have an 'all age' cafe-church service on the first Sunday of each month. Our worship includes a mix of contemporary worship-songs and traditional hymns. We encourage church members to participate in leading worship as musicians, by reading bible passages and leading prayers. All are welcome to join us.
Our Children and Young People's Worker, Janet Yarwood, leads our mission to families in the local communities. Sunday morning classes are available for children of all ages; Sparks for children up to the end of Year 2, Flames for children in Year 3 to 6 and Ignite for our young people in Year 7 and above. Other activities include the 'Eat & Play' School Holiday club, Messy Church, School Christmas and Easter experiences and Lollitots – a weekly parent and toddler group. Rainbows and Brownies meet on Wednesday evenings.
Our ladies meet monthly as a 'Wives group' and for 'Spiritual scrapbooking'.
We see bible study and prayer as fundamental to our mission and try to provide bible study and teaching available to the whole church throughout the year.
The Fareshare Foodbank operates on alternate Tuesday mornings.
Registered Charity no. 1194708