Oldham Methodist Circuit Logo Link
The Methodist Church
Oldham Circuit

We are a small group of people who like to worship in a traditional manner. Our historic building is located amidst the housing to the north of Royton.

We run Red Robin Preschool as a church project every weekday and this brings many people from the local community into our buildings. Alongside the preschool, we run "Praise Tots" at which a number of people from the wider community gather for informal worship. Once per month we hold a community shop and café. We have an art and craft group which brings Church Members and members of the community together. We are particularly proud of our Julian Group which meets regularly in the church for mediation and prayer and is the only such group in the area.

Contact us for details of any of these groups which interest you.

  • Community Shop. First Tuesday of every month. 10am-12noon
  • Craft Class. First Tuesday of every month. 1.15pm-3.30pm
  • Julian Prayer Meeting. Second Tuesday of every month. 8pm-8.45pm
  • Praise Tots (Under 5s). Thursday after Tuesday shop day (May be 2nd or 3rd Thursday) 2.10pm-3.00pm

Get In Touch

Oldham Methodist Circuit
2 Bannach Drive

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Oldham Methodist Circuit