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The Methodist Church
Oldham Circuit


With a heavy heart a decision was made to cease Sunday worship at Gravehole Church as from 31/08/2024 and to join with our friends at Trinity Methodist Church, Radcliffe Street, Royton.

We now worship at Trinity Methodist each Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Following lots of prayerful reflection the members at Gravelhole Methodist Church decided the time had come to look to the future and a new purpose and mission. Our decision was based on declining numbers and an aging membership and our desire to move forward in a positive way, creating a new journey with Christ.

We have created a united trust with Fir Lane Methodist Church and Trinity Methodist Church to become The Methodist Church in Royton.

This is an exciting time for us as we look to combine our time and energy to become a Christian presence in Royton, to love and serve our community and our town.

Activities at Gravelhole

We continue to hold events at Gravelhole Church as listed:-

 * Community Shop & Coffee Morning. First Tuesday of every month. 10am to 12 noon.

 * Fun & Games Afternoon – playing board & card games & making new friends. First Wednesday of every month. 2:30pm to 4pm

We invite you to join us at Gravelhole for these monthly activities.

Red Robin Preschool

Red Robin Preschool was a very important part of our church and church mission for over 60 years. It has been a privilege and an honour for Gravelhole to have been involved with the many children and families who have passed through the preschool over the years. We give thanks for all the staff who have served and for all the support from parents and our community.

As of 01/09/24 the preschool ownership transferred from the church to a private owned company renamed Red Robin Early Education Limited

The preschool continues to use Gravelhole Church premises (downstairs lower ground floor level) on a lettings basis. The preschool is open week days, in school term time, from 9am to 3pm.

End of an era – Gravelhole Methodist Church 1873 to 2024

Our last Sunday morning worship at Gravelhole was held on 31st August 2024, joined by our friends from Fir Lane and Trinity Churches.

The worship was a celebration of Gravelhole over the past 151 years and looking forward to the changes and transformation as we moved into being The Methodist Church in Royton (TMCinR). The service was based on the theme of 'Butterflies'. Butterflies being a fantastic example of the wonders of the world and of God's creation. The life cycle of a butterfly is fascinating. Butterflies undergo a seriously terrific transformation known as metamorphosis. Butterflies are associated with change and rebirth and this formed a link to our worship theme of Journeying Together – Change and Transformation.

We shared some of the history of our church and compared the life cycle of a butterfly to our Christian journey from the opening of our church in 1873 to the present day.

We enjoyed prayers, reflections, bible references and hymn singing.

We used the letters spelling 'Butterfly' and 'Butterflies'as symbolism to represent our thinking, our journey and our memories of our shared worship.

We share this with you here:

Letter B

For being blessed in being part of our church community, for the beauty we share together. For the teachings of Christ in the Beatitude's. For being brave and bold in moving forward.

Letter U

For our uniqueness as individuals and as a church and for the union that is to be.

Letter T

For the times we have had, times of joy and sadness, times we have celebrated and for the coming and going of the seasons – there is a time for everything.

Letter T

For the time to travel on, to journey together in Christ.

Letter E

For the ever present God and for the our elders who had the foresight to build our church communities here in Royton and for all who have helped us grow and developed from that 'embryonic' first stage.

Letter R

For the risen Christ who we have followed faithfully over the past 151 years here at Gravelhole and whose example we look to continue to follow as we journey together as The Methodist Church in Royton.

Letter F

For fellowship and friendship. For our faith.

Letter L

For the love we have shared and for the ultimate love shown by God as he gave his only son. For listening and learning and looking to live out a Christian lifestyle.

Letter Y.

For the years we have served here at Gravelhole, at Fir Lane and Trinity, and for the years to come as we merge to be The Methodist Church in Royton. For the yearning to be a positive Christian influence in our town community.

In recognition of us moving forward in our union of three churches the BUTTERFLYbecame BUTTERFLIES to demonstrate our spiritual flight together. So we changed the 'Y' to 'I' and added 'ES'.

Letter I

For the investment we bring together, interlinked as 3 become 1 in The Methodist Church in Royton. For inspiration and involvement as we invest in becoming a Christian presence in our town.

Letter E

For encouragement to enable us to evolve and explore new opportunities.

Letter S

For spiritual guidance as we take steps to serve with a stronger and supported will.

151 Anniversary Service

On Sunday evening at 6pm on 20th October 2024 we held our 151 Anniversary Service as our final farewell.

The theme was 'Keys'.

Our worship included this prayer:

Lord God, we come before you in humble adoration. How blessed are we that the one who holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven is the one who has the key to our hearts. Thank you, God, for the privilege of being part of the amazing story of faith that sustained our ancestors. Thank you, God, that we know our future is safe with you. Amen.

We reflected on how many people, both ordained and lay, have held keys to our church. How many people have had the responsibility of opening up the building over the years, and for locking up.

What kinds of different people and for what purpose did they hold a key.

What events have required the keyholder attendance to ensure the church is open for all – Sunday worship, fellowship and Bible meetings; Church Councils; celebrations and special festivals; children's activities – including the preschool, community links and social events and probably many more.

In unlocking the doors to our church and schoolroom it is fascinating to wonder and think about what opportunities have we had to share our faith and to support people in their journey in Christ.

We considered how have we shared in the beauty, the awe and wonder of God's world for others to enjoy and to have everlasting life.

We heard the reading from Matthew 16:13-20 when Jesus says he will give the keys of heaven to Peter, challenging him to share the gospel and empowering him to build the kingdom of God.

We heard from Revelations 3:20-22 which conjures up an image of Jesus on the doorstep, knocking on the door which is locked from the inside and only we can open. Of Jesus being the 'Light of the World' as portrayed in the painting by William Homan Hunt.

Our worshipped ended with this blessing:


Be blessed as you go in Jesus' name.

May he be the rock on which you build,

the key you carry with you,

and the one you proclaim as your Lord, and your Saviour.



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Oldham Methodist Circuit
2 Bannach Drive

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© 2024 – Oldham Methodist Circuit