Oldham Methodist Circuit Logo Link
The Methodist Church
Oldham Circuit

We are located on the outskirts of Shaw, on the edge of Crompton Moor.

We are a traditional Methodist Church in our worship and organisation, having recently installed IT facilities. We engage with many children, young people and young families on a regular basis. We have uniformed organisations for both boys and girls, including, Beavers, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. On the second Sunday in the month we have a Family/Parade service when the Church is often full. A craft group meets on a Saturday morning.

Weekly Events at Shore Edge

Monday Beaver scouts 6.30-7.45pm

Monday Brownies 6.30-8pm

Tuesday Rainbows 6-7.30pm

Wednesday Rainbows 6-7.30pm

Thursday Guides 7-8.45pm

Thursday Brownies 6.45-8.15pm

Saturday Gymnastics 10-1pm

Before and after school club: Daily 7.30-8.45am and 3.15-5.30pm

shore edge

Get In Touch

Oldham Methodist Circuit
2 Bannach Drive

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Oldham Methodist Circuit