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The Revd Suva Catford

rev suva catford

Minister of Zion church, Hey School with Zion, Hollins church and Oldham town centre chaplaincy.

Hello, I'm Rev Suva Catford and I am in my third appointment as a Methodist Presbyter. I am looking forward to being part of the Hey with Zion Primary School family and working from the Salt Cellar Resource Centre in Oldham town centre, as well as sharing ministry with you. For the past ten years I have served on the World Methodist Council. I have trained and served as Street Pastor in Kingston-on- Thames and in Andover. I'm currently looking for opportunities to become part of the community as I make my home in Oldham.

You can contact me at suva.catford@methodist.org.uk Tel 0161 624 7743

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2 Bannach Drive

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