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Monday 2nd November 2020

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We find ourselves facing another month of lockdown. For some of us this does not change our situation greatly, as we have continued to restrict our movements. For others, however, this comes as very unwelcome news which has a profound impact upon our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Let us continue to be kind to ourselves and to each other. Remember, also, if you need any help then do get in touch and we shall do our best to assist whether that is with practical things or with a chat or a prayer (adrian.burdon@methodist.org.uk).

November is the month of remembrance, yesterday's service for All Saints brought to mind those who have inspired us, today is All Souls when we remember those whom we have loved and lost awhile, next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and the 11 November is Armistice/Remembrance Day. Unfortunately we cannot attend any public services of remembrance this year. Sunday's online worship will be a formal service for Remembrance Sunday and will include the traditional act of remembrance. You can access the worship through the Worship page of this website in the normal manner, or click on this link. If you commence watching the service at 10.30am then you will reach the act of remembrance and two minutes silence at 11am.

The end of November brings us to the beginning of the Christian Year at Advent Sunday. During Advent we shall make our preparations for Christmas knowing that it may be a very different Christmas than we have had before. We hope that we shall be able to gather to worship together on Christmas Day, but we shall not know until nearer the time. We shall have opportunity to make our preparations in a number of ways. We traditionally have toy or gift services in all our churches and there is opportunity to do this in the same manner as we observed our Circuit Harvest Festival. Rather than toys, this year we are being asked to offer gifts of food which will be distributed through our friends at the Salvation Army. You can deliver your gifts to Trinity Methodist Church, Radcliffe Street, Royton between 9.30am and 1pm on Thursday 19 November 2020. It is also conventional for each of our churches to collect for Action for Children, the children's charity of the Methodist Church, at Christmas Services. At the same time as collecting the gifts of food, we are also giving the opportunity for you to give gifts of money for the benefit of Action for Children. If you wish to make a donation of food or money for Action for Children, but cannot get to Trinity on that day, then please get in touch and we shall work something out. It is important that you stay safe! (Contact me at adrian.burdon@methodist.org.uk).

I shall be offering opportunity for us to come together through an Advent Conversation Group on zoom. I am in the process of planning this and shall announce details very soon.

Thank you for all that you are doing. Remember to get in touch if you need any assistance, or a chat, or a prayer. Keep looking after yourself and continue to be kind to yourselves and those around you.

Here is a prayer for All Saints Day, written and read by Carolyn Lawrence the Vice President of the Methodist Conference. Click here to see and hear the prayer.

Blessings abound!

The Revd Dr Adrian Burdon
Superintendent Minister
Shaw & Royton Circuit of the Methodist Church

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