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Saturday 11th July 2020

news 3

We have a new President of the Methodist Conference. The Revd Richard Teal commenced his Presidential year at the meeting of the Methodist Conference last week. He offers us a prayer which you can watch, listen to and pray HERE.

With the ending of the Methodist Conference and the adoption of "The Stations" which is that "Methodist Way" of allocating ministers, presbyters and deacons, to their post, my present post was extended. Not only am I Superintendent Minister of the Shaw & Royton Circuit but I am now also, concurrently, Superintendent of the Oldham and Saddleworth Circuit. Additional resources are being put in place to ensure a continuance of the work that needs to be done and I shall tell you more about those when they are in place. You may see a slight change on my letterheads and email footers to read "The Methodist Church in Oldham" followed by one or other, or both, of the Circuit names. I shall, over coming months, be working with the leadership teams of both Circuits to bring us together into a new Circuit with effect from September 2021. The new Circuit will be a large geographical area which will cover the whole of the Oldham Borough Council area from Hollinwood and Chadderton right across to Diggle and Greenfield. This is a good development as it expands our opportunities for mission and opens up additional resources. You shall hear more about this as the work develops over the next few months – but if you have any questions do feel free to ask them.

I hope that all remains well, please let me know if there is anything that you need.

Blessings abound!

The Rev Dr Adrian Burdon
Superintendent Minister
The Methodist Church in Oldham
Shaw & Royton Circuit


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