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Thursday 18th June 2020

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We continue to keep on with our daily living and for many of us we remain frustrated and challenged by the situations in which we find ourselves. A number of us are supporting family and friends who need especial care at this time. Here is a prayer from the Methodist Church, to use in our situation and to help us offer all that we are feeling to the God who cares for each of us. 

It is going to be some time yet before our churches get back to worshipping together in our buildings. Our worship continues to be online, produced week by week, and broadcast via YouTube. I am grateful to all those who assist me in presenting worship. If you would like to participate, by recording yourself reading a lesson or prayer, then please do let me know and I shall include you.

The life and work of the church is not standing still. We continue to work towards and plan for the future. We are especially excited that our new pioneer missioners, Paul and Maura, shall be joining us in September. They are part of the Shaw & Royton Circuit's developing strategy and thinking about mission. Notice that I said 'part of'. They will be coming to work amongst us with some specific tasks, but the overall task of mission belongs to us all as Christian disciples. In exploring the demands of mission we are in line with the current strategy of the Methodist Church. You can watch a new video which has been produced by the Connexional Evangelism and Growth Team here. The video reminds us that God is for all people and that part of the demands of being Christian disciples is to enable other people to come to know Christ and so join us in becoming disciples. Remember though that this does not necessarily mean that these new disciples will do things the way we have always done them. If we allow it, the future is going to become exciting as we travel on in our journey of faith as individuals and as a community.

A number of people enjoyed our virtual coffee morning last week and I invite you to another one. Let's get together again, using zoom, on Wednesday 24 June from 10am until 11.30am. You do not have to come at the start or stay for the whole time. Drop in and drop out as and when you wish. I shall send the link by email. If you are reading this and have not received the link then it means that I do not have an email address for you – so send me a message and we can include you.

I hope that all remains well, please let me know if there is anything that you need.

Blessings abound!

The Rev Dr Adrian Burdon
Superintendent Minister
Shaw & Royton Circuit of the Methodist Church


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