I have now managed to set up a local telephone number and automated service for our telephone worship. This means that you can dial in at any time and the call will be free to most landlines. Simply dial the number – you do not need to enter any codes or hash key. The telephone number is 01706 580206. Please will Pastoral Visitors and Church Stewards pass this number onto anyone whom they think would like to join in with our worship. Be aware though that what people shall be listening to is simply the soundtrack to the video and so there may be moments when it is not clear what is happening.
I do hope that this new facility will enable people to participate in worship more easily.
I hope that all remains well, please let me know if there is anything that you need.
Blessings abound!
The Rev Dr Adrian Burdon
Superintendent Minister
Shaw & Royton Circuit of the Methodist Church
Registered Charity no. 1194708