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Wednesday 10th February 2021

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The Circuit Meeting of the Shaw & Royton Circuit met in parallel with the Circuit Meeting of the Oldham & Saddleworth Circuit last night (Monday 8 February 2021) in order to discuss and decide upon the possibility of creating a new Methodist Circuit for the whole of Oldham from September 2021.

The meeting was productive and good natured, although as challenging as ever of course. The outcome was that, by overwhelming majorities, both Circuit Meetings voted to come together into a new Oldham Circuit on 1 September 2021.

The voting was as follows:

Oldham & Saddleworth -- Voting Members Present: 35 Votes for: 32 Votes Against: 2
Shaw & Royton -- Voting Members Present: 19 Votes for: 18 Votes Against: 1

What will happen next is that the Circuit Leadership Teams shall be working closely together in order to develop the process which brings about the new Circuit. Now that the decision has been made to come together, the fine details will be worked out and presented to the Circuit Meetings for decision. We shall keep members of the churches in both Circuits abreast of developments as they fall into place over coming weeks and months.

Please continue to pray for the members of the Leadership Teams as they engage in this process on your behalf. Please pray for the churches of our two Circuits as we move towards the creation of the new Circuit. Pray for God's Spirit to be upon us as we do a new thing in God's name.

Blessings abound!

The Revd Dr Adrian Burdon
The Methodist Church in Oldham
Oldham & Saddleworth | Shaw & Royton

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